Tuesday, September 22, 2015

TOUR OF EUROPE: Hola Barcelona!!!!

In case you can't tell from the title.... I LOVED BARCELONA! It was so beautiful and clean and the food! So we arrived in Barcelona and went for a quick walking tour and then off towards the marina for a delicious first spanish meal! 

Because when you are in Spain... you drink sangria.
First dinner = Paella

So in Spain the restaurant will most likely always have a dish of paella available to order! So order it! It is SO GOOD!  Then next day we had a city tour where we visited Parc Guell, La Sagrada Familia, and many other great city landmarks! The cool thing about La Sagrada Familia if you didn't already know is that it is STILL being built.  Yup that's right. Since 1882 this beautiful church has been under construction, and is still unfinished.  It is a BEAUTY! so intricate and full of detail! 
After went hopping down Las Ramblas, a must if you are ever in town.  That night we went out dancing at a club that was right off the beach, literally you go out and you're in the sand. Such a fun time with such an awesome group of people! 
That night we went to a flamenco show that was so authentic and so real, I could hardly take my eyes off the stage! 
Barcelona was definitely one of my favorite cities on this month long adventure through Europe.  

Wok to Walk... Why is there only one of these in the U.S.

The next day consisted of a Spanish cooking class where we learned to make paella from a gorgeous spanish chef! Ay yi yi! and after we even learned to make SANGRIA! As if the day couldn't get any better after we headed out to the beach and enjoyed the afternoon soaking up the sun and making splashes in the cool blue waters! Perfection.  

 So our last night in Barcelona we wanted to go see the Magic Fountain at Montjuic, so we hopped on the metro. Now on this SAME day in the United States equal marriage laws were passed. (Which in my opinion is amazing because everyone should be able to marry their special someone. We are all equal, we are all human, and we ALL deserve LOVE.) We jumped off the metro and walked up to the street and saw tents, and so many people, and heard music. We were walking right into the Barcelona Pride Festival. Perfect timing, or what?


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