Tuesday, September 22, 2015

TOUR OF EUROPE: Verona, Oh Juliet!

As we entered Italy we stopped for lunch in Verona, the place where Romeo and Juliet is set.  Seriously, who would've thought I'd be walking around the beautiful streets of Verona? Well walking in the rain. Yes, the rain. It was raining when we arrived so there we go a group of 38 people walking in the rain determined to see Juliet's balcony, buying umbrellas from the street sellers on the way.  Let's just say it was worth it.  After taking a photo with Juliet and holding her right boob for good luck (yes, that's a real thing), we wondered off to have our true first italian meal. We ate at a cool restaurant and I had a delicious real italian pizza. Yum! Well we were running short on time and we had to meet up with everyone near the bus about ten minutes before we even paid for our food. So imagine, if you will,  a group of 9 americans running through POURING rain in the streets of Verona.  Drenched, we arrived to the group and what do you know we weren't the only ones late, thank goodness. But we were all soaking wet. Definitely a lunch to remember.

Juliet's Balcony


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